Saturday, 28 December 2013

Green shoots breaking through cracked clay

Not a new beginning, a continuation...

With permission input and enthusiasm I am planning a new garden, in a new place. There will be flowers of course, there should always be flowers.  
But amongst the flowers  will be trailing vines of peas and beans, colourful beet leaves, steel grey leeks and mustard greens whose rusty red leaves show that names are not always helpful.



I am restless, eager to move on..
                                       to grow again and to face the sun's fire
And to let all impurities melt away.
                                     Slowly as I pick my way forward I find  myself curious..
Do I need to let go or disentangle myself...

Monday, 16 December 2013


Maybe you'll see  them around sometimes looking like the droppings of some odd creature, with green shoots pushing through the crumbling clay.

  I wont go into details, I will give links.. What appropriate purposes could I use them for?

Some Links. I have not checked them for quality or accuracy, so use your own Judement.

Seedballs; How to grow trees without really trying

Quite a few links here!

A useful guide for those in Canberra

A census of the plants of the ACT

Should there be, or are there Murrnongs in the grasslands of Canberra? What about native grasses, there are some areas that look a bit overused which could perhaps do with a seed bank top up, using appropriate natives of local provenance of course!

Yam Daisy, Murnong: Microseris lanceolata

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

I am brilliant and great but full of little mistakes,
                                          and today my mistake is not little
no matter how small it started
  and I  can feel the train begin to lurch and lean

Friday, 6 December 2013


Research has conformed that Ringtail lemurs living amongst limestone spires sleep in caves.

From the limited information I have tracked down, the Election still seems to be undecieded, I will try and find out more.


The Melons, Cucumis melo are diverse species with many more varieties than rockmelon and honeydew, indeed there are some that are used as vegetables rather than as the sweet fruit we all know. Those however I will deal with when I get to cucumbers, because the earliest fruit used as a cucumber is actually a melon

Watermelons also exhibit some variation however they are usually readily identifiable as watermelons, while Cucumis melons vary greatly in appearance.

The wild ancestors of Watermelons grow throughout northern Africa and their seeds have been uncovered in excavations of New Kingdom Egyptian sites at Thebes (Jannick 2006).

Melons (Cucumis) Have their origins in Africa and South Western Asia, where cultivation began somewhere between 7000BC and 3000 BC (Szabó 2005).

While watermelons followed the typical route of North African plants into Europe, being mainly introduced through Spain During Moorish expansion, Other melons found a different route (Jannick 2006). 

In the 9th Century A.D. Melons are one of the food plants mentioned in Walahfrid Strabo’s Hortulus a poem a garden, it’s contents and the virtues of the plants growing within it.

Hungary is acknowledged as a centre for melon Biodiversity with at least twenty landraces known today (Szabó 2005). This diversity made it possible for Hungarian scientists to analyse and compare melon seeds found at a the 15th century site of the royal Palace on Buda hill in Budapest, with these modern landraces (Szabó 2005). The result of this is that it is possible to say that the medieval melon in this instance belonged to the Cucumis melo inodorus group commonly called winter melons and that it was probably around the size of a large orange with belong

green flesh and pale yellow smooth skin (Szabó 2005). The inodorus group are worthy of notice for their slow ripening process which enables them to be stored for several months making them an important source of fruit for at least part of winter (Szabó 2005).
 Melons of Hungary

Rockmelons, part of the melon group cantalupensis are a later introduction into Western Europe coming from Armenia in the early 16th Century and Ultimately becoming the most common melon type of the Renaissance  (Szabó 2005)..

Country or Region
Carolingian empire
Ferrara Northern Italy
Spain (Written in Catalan)
9th century
between 12th and 13th C
between 12th and 13th C
14th–15th century a.d
Walahfrid Strabos Hortulus
results of the archaeobotanical investigation of “The Mirror Pit”
Libre del Coch
Scientific name
Cucumis melo
Citrillus lanatus


o   Jannick J , Paris H, 2006 “The Cucurbit Images (1515–1518) of the Villa Farnesina, Rome”  Annals of Botany 97: 165–176, 2006 doi:10.1093/aob/mcj025, available online at

o   Jannick J , Paris H, Parrish D, 2007 “The Cucurbits of Mediterranean Antiquity: Identification of Taxa from Ancient Images and Descriptions” Annals of Botany 100: 1441–1457,

o   Z. Szabó1,2*, G. Gyulai2, Z. Tóth2, and L. Heszky2 2005 Morphological and molecular diversity of 47 melon (Cucumis melo) cultivars compared to an extinct landrace excavated from the 15th century1St. Stephanus University, 1 Institute of Botany, 2 Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology, Gödöllı, H-2103, Hungary * Corresponding author e-mail:

o   Strabo, Walafrid. Hortulus. Translated by Raef Payne. Commentary by Wilfrid Blunt. (Pittsburgh: Hunt Botanical Library, 1966)

o   Daunay M.C, Janick J, Paris, H.S. 2009 Tacuinum Sanitatis: Horticulture and Health in the Late Middle Ages Volume 49 - Number 3 Chronica Horticultulturae, vol 49(3),pp22-29 Accessed online



Monday, 2 December 2013


 Storms have come and gone, leaving behind growth and memories.

All are precious the, clean sharp smell of pines on my 4am trek through the quiet city.   Today I sweltered and thought of cold air and a cleansing  storm.