Sitting across from the 2 person panel I am feeling competent and confident that the somewhat small portfolio I have brought with me is going to be adequate. I answer questions, explain my approach to situations and provide examples of my work. I make sure I talk to both members of the panel, making eye contact, they smile and nod, tolerating or agreeing I do not know.
I manage to avoid saying anything terrible, I even manage to stay on track! Usually I am mister tangent, returning to the original subject sometimes hours or even days later.
And then, 25 minutes later it is over. I have to wait to find out if I am deemed to be suitable, if I will be placed in a pool of teachers or if I will be advised to do more casual work and told to come back again next year.
So I leave the building and walk into a cold wind. It shakes the leaves and reaches toward my bones. The next bus is an hour away and I quickly realise that these are not my walking shoes.
The occasional public servant walks past wrapped warmly, focused on their destination, often clutching a disposable coffee cup. Icy fingers of wind ruffle my hair as even the windscreen washer decides it's time to call it a day, and those guys are tough!
The weather is glorious and for a change I am not sweating in my heavy coat, although I leave my tie around my neck like a miniature scarf.
I look around at the tall white gums and the bare Hawthorns, the odd red berry still clinging to the leafless branches.
As I wait in the sterile bus shelter, flocks of parrots fly past, defying their tropical stereotype, unseen by the drivers below them in the constant stream of traffic.
So I stop.
I arrive home and get a phone call, "are you available for a 4 week period next term?" I am now being considered for a contract, which is very good news indeed.
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