Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Sad Limerick

Ever since time immemorial
Lemurs lived lives quite arboreal
Now forest encroachment,
Without firm reproachment,
Could soon render them incorporeal.


Sunday, 27 October 2013

Tip Trip pays off!


I have been aware of threads cut into timber to form threaded shafts for a while. But generally I have put that process into the to hard basket. I think it's time I changed that as I want to make some of these...
Wooden C clamp detail .

Noah's Ark Cycle: 1. Building of the Ark

1588  Kaspar Memberger the Elder

 I went to the Farmers Market at EPIC and on my way back we dropped into the "green shed" (dump shop). I picked a backpack and then I saw 2 turned wooden handles caught my eye, turns out it was 2 wooden C clamps. The screws are  warped a little and only one may be functional, but what a find! even as display/ reference pieces they are very useful. I am also pleased to say that I can document the use of this form of clamp within the SCA time period!

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Christmas Holidays

Those who have known me for a long time will know that I have always wanted to live life in a meaningful way, that I love nature, gardening, food, alternatives to the way mainstream society does things and want to work towards the world being a better place. I have done various things, been to courses and classes, have found my way to teaching and have probably made more of a difference than I realise.
So what I have planned to do over the Christmas Holidays this year is to enjoy these things!
here's where I need some help, tips,advice etc

-I am using meditation techniques as a means of managing stress and anxiety. I would like to spend at least a day or 2 at a place where I can learn more skills in this area, probably a Monastery or Ashram, I've found a few of options ( Hari Krishna, Benedictine, Buddhist) but would be happy to hear of more.
-I am keen to go to music events and festivals
-I want to go to events based around old skills. For example bush carpentry, windsor chair making, food culture etc.
-I want to learn more about appropriate technologies, small scale energy for instance or using c&c technology to provide communities with items they need. Cyber hippy stuff I suppose?
-I'd like to meet up with people with similar views and build on my connections.
-I'd like to do something of a volunteer nature with Wildlife.
-And catch up with friends of course!
- And festivals, gatherings etc would be awesome.

So what do you suggest? I have some ideas and destinations but nothing I'm committed to!

Monday, 21 October 2013

I am not lost
         But wandering may suit me sometime,
                            And so I plan and ponder, considering the summer and what I shall do.
    I am me once again,
                    My course corrected, fog clearing.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

There's no place like home

 I'll tell you when Find it......


Community, sustainability, affordability: Making the life I want happen..

 I need to create a place where being me is easier, where I can have friends over and occasionally have a BBQ or party. Somewhere where my ideals are accepted an where I can simply get on with being .

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Project and gift...maybe!

Am I ready for a real chair? 

Soon I will have someone to make a highchair for, although it will be no use to them for a year or so. I could always make an elaborate piece of dolls furniture which they will never be allowed to play with, or a stool for when they are 2 or 3, that said this will be useful to them at that  age.

I also need to decide if the style is appropriate for the house i will end up in, and that it's child safe!

There is always one like this one made by Roy Underhill.

Hmm what should I do during my 6 week break over Christmas?

Are there any particular music,  environmental, permaculture, sustainability or craft (as in woodwork, food related, hippy, country skills etc)  events which I should try to get to? 

Please make you suggestions here !!.

Now that I have more of an idea of who I am and the types of people I need to make further connections with, I need to do something about it!